Back To Course URL
Generates a link that points to the course associated with the current lesson or quiz.
Generates a link that points to the course associated with the current lesson or quiz.
Embed or link to an audio file associated with a specific lesson in LifterLMS.
Display the primary course overview and description as it appears in the Gutenberg editor within for the lesson.
Displays the time remaining before a lesson becomes accessible to a learner based on the configured drip schedule in LifterLMS.
Displays the seconds remaining before a lesson becomes accessible to a learner based on the configured drip schedule in LifterLMS.
Displays the days remaining before a lesson becomes accessible to a learner based on the configured drip schedule in LifterLMS.
Displays the hours remaining before a lesson becomes accessible to a learner based on the configured drip schedule in LifterLMS.
Displays the minutes remaining before a lesson becomes accessible to a learner based on the configured drip schedule in LifterLMS.
Dynamically display or link to a lessons associated video content.
Provides a dynamic hyperlink to the next lesson in the course sequence for the logged-in user.
Displays the title of the next lesson in the course sequence for a logged-in user.
Provides a dynamic hyperlink to the next lesson in the course sequence for the logged-in user.
Provides a dynamic hyperlink to the previous lesson in the course sequence for the logged-in user.
Dynamically displays the title of the previous lesson in the course sequence for a logged-in user.
Provides a dynamic hyperlink to the previous lesson in the course sequence for the logged-in user.
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lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
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